Sunday, September 03, 2006


Well, at long last after being hooked to other people blogs I've finally decided to create one myself. Major reason for this was to give people an insight into the development at ItsAllAGame games development and to now and then get things off my chest (such as the sheer amount of politics in professional (??!!) mainstream games development, grrrr !!).

Anyway, the reason I'm here right now is that after the release of my last casual puzzle game Panic 2

I decided that I wanted to take a break from those types of games for a bit, only 1, Assimilation,

did anywhere near decent sales, and that one I ended up selling to SmallRockets so it really didn't benefit me greatly.

I'm now on Apartments,

or back onto it should I say as I've had it as a back burner game for the last 4-5 years and did 2DG,Panic,Panic2 and a number of mainstream games while that pottered around on the background. It's time has now come, it's one of those games that everytime I discuss it with someone I get all enthusiastic and silly and then sometimes I'll just get a mental block thinking about the the scale of it.

I took some time out to work on Vertigo or Stig,

which essentially allowed me to play with some cool animation and IK mechanics as well as learning how to model and animate my own characters but also made me realise how valuable the stuff I was doing was for Apartments so have finally come to the decision to shelve
Stig and concentrate soley on Apartments (in my spare time). Also a little bit of pursuasion from portals who are very interested in the game even at this stage did wonders for focusing me.

Anyway, hope you enjoy, to some extent, what I write on this blog, if not my name is Alex Ward from Criterion Software and you are free to track me down and kill me!... ;-)


At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's incitement to murder. I'm suing.

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm Alex Ward! I'm suing you both.


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