Thursday, September 07, 2006

Animation System Sorted

Hurrah, the animation system works again now and all the root movement is derived from the animation, also supports multiple animations of varying length to have input into the position which is good for fighting games etc.

Its scary sometimes how something that seems like a simple change hits so many places, I had to change my XSI and MAX exporters, animation interpolation,blending and skeleton system all to support this one change, but it feels right and another sign that it's going the right way is the code is getting smaller and simpler yet is more functional.

So, now it's the pathfinding system for the ATs, something that I've been meaning to do for a long,long time. This will be broken down into 2 parts , standard a-star nodes that I define manually in the editor (I could have a generic flood fill roaming agent approach but it's a bit overkill for this project) , and then a localised search and avoidance stage.

The nodes will also have a callback system linked to a game object, for instance 1 node will represent the door on flat 1, and named appropiately so, so an AT can find the door to flat 1, find the best route and make their way there. Once at the node the node will send the AT a message with the door object and the AT can then continue however they see fit, open door, knock, walk through if open etc

I'm also thinking more and more about having a nice graphical animation state system, on previous games such as Shaun Murray Wakeboarding I would have a simple data driven approach or even hardcode quite a few of the elements but this will need something a bit more complex, but I don't want to do what I tend to do sometimes and go off and create a massive bit of tech to handle a small problem.

Anyway off to watch the new series of extras, tara....


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