Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ohhh, Shiney !!!

Happy New Year , another Christmas out of the way and the start of a brand new year. The Wii indeed kept me busy as did Zelda, but that means it's been nearly 2 months since my last entry, naughty.

Anyway on with the news, I've taken a slight detour with Apartments, well, slight being a little understated, I've put that on hold for a while and in the meantime have started on a game with some friends. It's currently in its very early stages but it's exciting and allowing me to push GEDI (my game development tool) quite a bit as well as working on a project all linked up with Subversion, it's current working title is StarRaiders : Armada

and from that you'll probrably havea good idea of the type of gameplay. Very arcadey action orientated 3D space shoot-em-up, in a nutshell.

Anyway , here's some screenshots to be getting on with, the first couple are of a ship I bought off Turbosquid in Maya format and naively thought I could load it into MAX, oh what a fool I was, 3 days later of remodelling,retexturing and optimising down from over 100,000 polys down to 8500 I'll be sure never to make that mistake again. It flys lovely with a 360 gamepad linked up, I'll also be putting in mouse control in too ast some point..

The next are some lovely models I've licensed from which come complete with normal/specular and diffuse maps which form 80% of the hostile forces.

So, now I'm updating my object property editting in GEDI to use a far nicer interface whereas before it was pretty painful, also realised I need to link GEDI automatically to Subversion, as data is modified through GEDI it's hard to keep track of changes that have been made to the GEDI repository, so an automatic add/delete from SVN is required.

Want to get on with the fun stuff but it's sooo important to get the tools pipelines and turnaround as efficient as possible, believe or not still a point not always considered important in professional game development yet as far as I'm concerned it should be the first port of call when getting people working together on a project.


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